The top 6 lessons that Macros Made Easy mamas used to lose weight and improve their health in 2021

I love the blank slate that the new year brings! It’s a clean, fresh start to become the person you want to be. For a lot of mamas, that means focusing on their health. Unfortunately, a lot of the beliefs and opinions we have about healthy living haven’t helped us actually have a healthy life. Last year, I helped mamas unravel beliefs that were holding them back and taught them how to lose weight, and improve their health.

I wanted to know what tools and beliefs helped my Macros Made Easy Mams the most, so I asked them and these were the top 6 answers I got! You can use these lessons to dismantle your own limiting beliefs about food and yourself and make 2022 the year you finally change your health.

1. Backward Meal design

The biggest “aha” moment is planning dinners first, and working backward from there.  I don’t have to eat a separate meal from my family.

-Joanne Mcmillen

My backward meal design is one of the first things I teach in Macros Made Easy! It’s the system I use to avoid making separate meals for me and my family because I”m busy and I don’t have time to prepare dinner for my family and another meal for myself!

You can get access to my Backward Meal Planning Masterclass in my free Facebook group, Busy Mom Simple Nutrition.

2. What healthy eating actually looks like

For me, it was eye-opening about how bad I was eating when I thought I was eating well. 😆

-Jessica Dianics

Healthy eating probably doesn’t look like what you think it does. Healthy eating isn’t just salads and boiled chicken. Healthy eating looks like eating a balance of protein, fat, and yes, carbs! In Macros Made Easy I will help you understand what that balance looks like for you. Because it’s different for every single person.

Healthy eating also means eating your favorite foods! You don’t have to give up the foods that make you happy just to be healthy! True health is about finding the balance between foods that are good for your physical body and foods that are good for your soul.

3. Mindset is the key!

Mindset Matters! The people who I have seen have the most success in my 2.5 years of being in the program are the ones who figure out early on that it’s not about the food.

-Nicole Turner

Being healthy is about the food, but it’s not really about the food! Mindset is the most important aspect of the Macros Made Easy program. A lot of people question why they need to work on their mindset while they’re in the program, but just like Nicole said, the people who do the mindset work see the best results.

In Macros Made Easy, I will give you tools and habits that will help you break through thoughts and beliefs that have kept you stuck for years! So that you can change how you think and feel about food and more importantly, about yourself!

4. Eat more, weigh less

​​I learned that I don’t have to deprive myself of anything and I can still lose weight while I’m a surplus! Also, that commitment and dedication are key. I’m a lifer!

-Stacey Haynes

Mama, if you’ve tried to cut your calories to lose weight, only to gain weight, then it’s time to try something new! Most of the women who join Macros Made Easy actually have to increase how much food they’re eating in order to lose weight.

I know. It doesn’t make any sense, but I promise that you can lose weight while eating a real adult amount of food! Most of us have pushed our bodies into starvation mode by cutting and cutting and cutting our calories to lose weight. As you learn how to eat the right foods, in the right amounts you’ll be able to increase how much food you eat while still losing weight. 

5. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

Everyone’s journey is different so their success looks different, don’t measure your progress based on someone else’s success. I still struggle with this but I’m making my own progress 😊

-Erin Petersen

We all know that comparison is the thief of joy, but it’s also one of the main reasons we get stuck in our weight loss goals! If you compare what she’s eating to what you’re eating or how much your husband lost vs. how much you lost, you’ll never see the results you want. You’ll just be annoyed and frustrated at where you’re at in your journey.

Instead, allow yourself to be a beginner! Make space for yourself to learn how to eat healthy, to learn how to meal plan and prep, to learn what works for you.

Also, keep in mind that a scale is just a tool. It’s not the end all be all. In Macros Made Easy, we use the scale to make sure that we’re making the right moves, but non-scale victories are just as important, if not more important than scale wins! Changing how you feel about yourself is so much more important than a number on the scale.

6. One “off” choice won’t mess you up

I am learning that one choice outside my macros is ok. Just because I have 1 flat tire doesn’t mean I need to slash the other 3 tires. Fix it and move forward!

-Debbie Griggs

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you’ve probably had an “oh screw it” moment. It’s that moment when you eat one thing, or one meal, outside of your diet and it snowballs into two meals, three meals, a couple of days, a week, a month of bad eating.

But mama, one “off” meal or choice doesn’t have to throw you off course! Just like Debbie said, we don’t slash all four tires because we get one flat. We fix the flat and we keep on driving!

A lot of this mindset comes from living in a place of restriction, where you “can’t” have what you want. In Macros Made Easy, I encourage you to have food you love every single day! We take breaks from regimented eating and enjoy a night out every once in a while to help keep your sanity while you’re on a journey to reach your goals.

Life isn’t all or nothing and your food shouldn’t be that way either. The Macros Made Easy program can help you reach your 2022 health and weight loss goals without depriving you of the food that makes you happy. Because isn’t the real goal to love yourself and your life in 2022? If you’re ready to learn how to live a healthier, happier life this year, then let’s talk!

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Krista Moreland