Stop limiting yourself and begin living the life of your dreams just by answering this one simple question

9.14 Stop limiting yourself and begin living the life of your dreams just by answering this one simple question.jpg

Do you have limiting beliefs? Beliefs or thoughts that stop you from reaching your dreams? I bet you do, even if you don’t realize it because, in all honesty, we all have limiting beliefs! There is a part of our brain that stops us from taking leaps and we are constantly fighting against it. But, if you want the beautiful life that you’ve always pictured, you have to push through those limiting beliefs and create your dream life.

The first step in creating that life is knowing what it looks like. When I hop on a discovery call with potential clients I ask them to do something that is a little scary for most people. I ask them to dream with me. To close their eyes, look into the future and describe exactly what they want it to look like.

I always say you achieve everything twice: once in the mind and once in the physical world. If you can’t even imagine what you want out of life, then you’ll never achieve in the physical world! 

The journey to building your dream life starts with this one question.

The 1 question that helps you dream big

If you met all of your goals TODAY, RIGHT NOW what would that dream look like? Imagine you’ve succeeded, and you’ve gotten everything you wanted. What’s happening? What are you doing? What’s around you? What’s better?

Answering these questions will help you really imagine that dream life. As I said before, being able to picture that life clearly, is essential to actually achieve it.

Professional and elite athletes have been using visualization practices as a tool to achieve success for decades! Visualizing your life after you’ve accomplished your goals is so powerful that it can:

  • Decrease stress and performance anxiety

  • Increases confidence

  • Advances skills and abilities

  • Enhances motivation

  • Improves health and recovery 

One of the many reasons that I love visualization is that it costs you nothing but makes such a huge impact on your health, relationships and overall happiness.

Use this question to evaluate every aspect of your life

When you start to dream and visualize what you want your life to look like to begin to take control of your life. Learning that you’re in control of how your life turns out is empowering. 

Start to evaluate and dream about what you want each part of your life to look like.

  • Your health

  • Your job

  • Your marriage

  • Your relationship with your kids

  • Your home

  • Your relationship with yourself

All of these areas are incredibly important and will determine your overall happiness, but I want you to focus on one area in particular: your relationship with yourself.

Your relationship with yourself will be the most important relationship you’ll ever have. How you think and feel about yourself is more important than your relationship with your spouse or kids. Before you put up a wall and say I’m crazy, think about it. 

How you think and feel about yourself seeps into every other relationship you have. If you don’t believe that you are worthy of love, happiness, being healthy, etc. Then you are going to allow other people to treat you like that too. 

Don’t disqualify your dreams before you even start

If you feel intimidated by dreaming big, you’re not alone. If dreaming big, visualizing your life and accomplishing it were easy, then we’d all be perfectly happy! But most of us aren’t. We feel stuck and frustrated. The reason that we feel this way is because dreaming big is scary.

It’s really scary! It’s hard to take a leap of faith, especially when it’s a leap of faith in ourselves! However, if you want to be happy and live that dream life, you have to push through the fear. Avoiding fear is why you’re in the place you’re at right now. It’s time to face your fear and keep going.

One way we sabotage our happiness is by disqualifying our dreams. For example, say you want to lose 50 lbs. That’s a huge goal! It feels daunting when you don’t understand how to eat healthily, you haven’t worked out in ages and you are so insanely busy that you don’t have time to add a strict diet or hours in the gym to your schedule.

In one sentence, you’ve managed to talk yourself out of that dream. One sentence. That’s all it takes for you to disqualify your dream. You went from “I want to do this amazing thing” to “I’m not worthy of that dream” in less than 10 seconds!

To stop yourself from self-sabotaging, you need to focus on that visualization! Picture yourself after you’ve accomplished this big, audacious dream. Do not picture yourself at the beginning because starting is the hardest part!

  • What do you look like now that you’ve lost 50 lbs?

  • What do you feel like?

  • What habits do you have?

  • What does your energy look like?

  • How do you talk about yourself?

Write down the answers to each of these questions. When you take that picture you have in your mind and put it on paper, you’re one step closer to making that dream life happen in the real world. Do not skip the step of writing it down! It’s crucial to the process of accomplishing your dreams!

It takes courage to go from wanting to dreaming. Dreaming to become. When you have the courage to dream you take the fear away. Next, it’s time to push through the fear and become the person of your dreams.

Start taking actions on your dream life

If you’re serious about achieving this dream, then you’re going to have to be willing to do the work to make it happen in the physical world.

This is why I asked you about what your habits look like after you’ve accomplished your dream. You probably know what you should be doing to achieve your dream, but you just aren’t doing it. If you want to accomplish your dreams you have to do the work!

Creating habits that lead you to your goal is one of the best ways to achieve it. You don’t have to go from never working out to running a four-minute mile in a day to achieve your goals. In fact, if you try to take too big of a step, you will probably flame out and give up.

Instead, you need to improve by 1% each day. Taking small steps each day is the best way to stick with something long-term. If you haven’t worked out in years, then start by taking a 1-minute walk. Tomorrow, walk for 2 minutes. Soon, you’ll be going for a 30-minute walk, then a jog, then a run. And you’ll have created a daily habit that serves you.

If you aim to take a 1% step towards your goal each day, you’ll start to see it come to fruition.

Seven years ago, I decided to improve my health. I tried a million different diets and workout plans. I failed at some of them and when I failed, I tried something new. I started tracking my macros. Every day I weighed my food and entered it into MyFitnessPal. I learned what a balanced diet looked like for me. Now, I don’t have to measure every gram of food. I know what healthy looks like and feels like for me.

My big audacious dream has come to fruition. I’m healthy. I’m healthy when I eat all my fruits and veggies. I’m healthy when I go out and have tacos with my husband. I lead a healthy life because I took the time to learn how to be healthy.

You can do this too. It starts small and develops over time. Give it the time it needs. Don’t become impatient. In seven years you too will look back and see that you’ve come so far. You’ve accomplished your dreams. You have the dream life you wanted.

If you’re dreaming of a healthier you, let me help you! In my Macros Made Easy program you’ll get mindset training, like this, along with nutritional education so that you can reach your goals faster! I’ve coached hundreds of mamas just like you. I’ve watched them go from frustrated with their weight and themselves to living their dream life where their health and happiness are a priority. If you want to live that dream, then let’s chat!

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Krista Moreland