You’ll never achieve lasting weight loss without these 2 key principles from the Macros Made Easy Program

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If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried allllll the weight loss programs. You restricted carbs or fat (or both!) in the hopes of losing weight. You killed yourself in the gym. Maybe, like me, you even tried the crazy diet pills, shakes and fad weight-loss trends. Only to end up not losing weight, or worse, gaining it all back. The reason that I didn’t see success, and why you haven’t seen success, is because you’re missing the two key principles to weight loss!

I teach my Macros Made Easy clients to do two things n order to have lasting weight loss results. Without these two things, you’re always going to struggle with your health.

The first is food accountability and understanding the value of your food, The second, is how to change your mindset. You need to understand how to deconstruct the story you’re telling yourself about your food and how to rewrite it so that you can be successful!

I promise that when you use both of these principles, you’ll see success. Let’s talk about how they work together to create amazing results.

Food accountability

I talk to so many mamas who are either restricting calories or restricting food groups and are frustrated because they aren’t losing weight, but the truth is that restrictive dieting is just a recipe for failure! Restriction diets cause a lot of cravings and binging, plus they only work while we do them. The moment we start to add restricted foods back into our diets we end up gaining weight back.

Instead of restriction, I teach my clients to focus on food accountability. Food accountability includes knowing how much of each macro you’re eating, but it’s so much more than that! 

Food accountability focuses on eating whole foods vs. processed foods; making sure you eat enough protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied; drinking plenty of water; and eating food that makes you happy!

The other thing I teach my clients is to pay attention to how committed they are to their food. Are you paying attention to your food just when you don’t like what the scale says or is your food a priority every day?

Even on days when you overeat, or maybe eat outside of your boundaries, you have to hold yourself accountable! You can’t just say screw it and eat whatever you want without consequences. You have to own up to your choices and prepare yourself for the consequences.

When you start practicing food accountability you’ll find that you can enjoy your food. You take control of your food instead of letting it control you!

Mindset work

I truly believe that the mindset work component of the Macros Made Easy Program is what sets it apart from any other program out there. It may sound a little woo-woo to some people, but the thoughts we have completely dictate our lives.

Think about this: you do affirmations every single day. Seriously, you do! Every day you have thoughts about who you are, what you look like or how you feel. We repeat those thoughts over and over again. That’s what an affirmation is. What are those thoughts saying? Are they saying, “I’m fat, ”I suck,” “I can’t do this.” or are they saying “I’m strong,” “I’m in control,” “I am proud of where I’m at right now.”

When we have those negative thoughts, they develop into so much more than thoughts. From those thoughts, we attach a feeling. We decide to love or hate ourselves; to be proud or mad at ourselves. From those feelings comes a cascade of hormones. We become catabolic, which means to break down, and those negative thoughts and feelings create negative changes in the body. This reaction can even lead to chronic illnesses!

Those thoughts, that you thought were just in your head, are so much more powerful than you knew!

If you want to find lasting weight loss success you have to learn to change the negative thoughts, or stories, that you’re telling yourself and you have to replace them with positive thoughts and stories.

In the Macros Made Easy Program, I give you the tools to change the thoughts you have around food, time, money, and how you view yourself so that you can finally see changes in your health.

After being a macro coach for seven years, I’ve found that the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to implement food accountability with mindset work. When you just focus on food, you get bored and give it up eventually. But when you combine that food accountability with mindset work, you change how you think and feel about yourself and you change how you think about your health and your food and that change is the key to success.

If you’re ready to change your health and life, then let’s chat. Schedule a free discovery call to get started on your own journey of health and happiness!

Krista Moreland