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The best way to lose weight without dipping into your kids’ college fund

We are constantly flooded with weight loss options. They range from meal plans, workouts, even surgery! When you’re desperate to lose weight, you’ll try almost anything, I know I have!

However, when we have endless options at our fingertips, we have to learn to pick the options that a best for ourselves. Unless you’re a Kardashian, that usually means finding a weight loss option that fits into your budget.

But what option is going to be the most effective and the most cost-efficient? That’s what we’re here to talk about today.

Expensive weight loss solutions don’t equal success

I have tried so many different weight loss solutions. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on shakes, exercise plans and even CoolSculpting!  The lesson I learned from all of these is that it didn’t matter how much I spent on my weight loss, a quick fix wasn’t a long-term solution.

A quick fix is so tempting because we don’t have to do any work or change our lifestyle. Who doesn’t want to be skinnier without having to put in all the work? The one thing that those quick fixes don’t mention, is that they aren’t lifelong solutions to your problems. They’re barely bandaids.

Most quick fixes are also usually expensive. I can personally say that I wasted so much money on quick fixes. I look back and I regret it. You know what I don’t regret? I don’t regret taking the time to learn about health and nutrition. I don’t regret learning to be aware of where I am in my nutritional journey. I don’t regret learning about my limiting beliefs, and I absolutely don’t regret learning how to overcome those.

Losing weight doesn’t have to be expensive

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, for good, you have to put in the work. The good news is that work doesn’t clean out your kids’ college funds!

I believe the best thing you can do to lose weight is to educate yourself. Since I invested in my nutrition education, I have never had to spend money on another fad diet or quick fix. This solution has been just that, a solution! I don’t have to buy protein drinks every month. I don’t have to fork out extra money to get access to workouts. I’m not scheduling appointments to have a surgeon “fix” another part of my body.

I invested in learning about my body and how to fuel it and it has been the single best investment I’ve made for me and my family.

Why Macro Tracking is an effective and affordable solution

When I found Macro Tracking, I was so happy that I could lose weight and keep it off forever without wasting thousands of dollars! Learning how to look at food in a new way saved me money and was the perfect fit for my family’s budget.

I desire to get this system into your hands and homes without you going broke! It’s why I developed my Macros Made Easy coaching program and why I wrote the Macros Made Easy ebook. Both of these options allow you to get started and start losing weight right away!

If you aren’t sure if a coach-led program or the ebook is the right fit for you, you can read this post to make a decision.

Now that I’m fully immersed into Macro Tracking, I only spend money on healthy food and my gym membership. Losing weight doesn’t have to be over complicated! You can do it on a budget, and still see results.

If you want to learn more about Macro Tracking and see if it’s the right fit for you, go ahead and schedule a FREE discovery call with me! We can see if this is the right path for you, and if it’s not, I’ll point you in a direction that is better suited for you.

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