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How To Eat Out At Restaurants Without Gaining Weight

One of the things I hate about traditional diets is the idea that you can’t go out to eat, or that you can’t eat anything fun because you’re dieting. I’m a busy mom and I honestly don’t want to cook dinner every night - not to mention I’m out running kids to practices until like 9 p.m. most nights. Sometimes I need to run through the drive-thru! That being said, I don’t want to gain weight just for one night of eating out. And I don’t! I cracked the code on how to eat out at restaurants without gaining weight!

Mama, It’s 100% possible to enjoy a night out, to eat foods you love and to stay on track with your diet. It’s all about balance!

Whether you need to grab Chick-fil-A on your way to the next kids’ practice, you want to go out for date night with the hubby or you just want to grab lunch with a friend I’m going to show you how to eat out without gaining weight!

Have a plan before you head to the restaurant

I know I’m going to sound like a broken record, but having a plan is the best way to stick to your health goals and avoid gaining extra weight when you go out.

Every night I plan out my meals for the next day, especially when I know I’m going out to eat. That way I can enjoy my meal out without stressing about how it will affect my weight. 

I always start by planning my biggest meal for the day. If I’m going out to eat out, then that’s the meal I start with and after that’s in, I plan the rest of my meals around that meal out.

For example, if I’m going out on a date with my husband, I’ll look over the menu of the restaurant we want to go to and I’ll choose my meal. 

When I’m eating out I like to think about two things:

  1. What do I really want to eat?

  2. How can I get the most protein at this meal?

Eating out should be fun! Don’t get a salad because you think it’s what you’re “supposed to do.” Look at the menu and order something that’s going to make you happy! 

If that’s some fettuccine alfredo, a burrito or a burger, that’s fine! All of those are acceptable choices!

However, once you’ve decided what you want, you should try to think about how to get the most protein at that meal!

Protein is one of the most undereaten macros, but it’s also one that our bodies need a lot of!

If you’re getting the alfredo, add some grilled chicken on the side! Can you get a steak burrito that has a lot of protein? Can you add extra protein to your meal at all?

Once you’ve decided on your main course, take a look at your sides too! How can you balance your meal? A burger is going to be higher in fat, so maybe instead of traditional fries can you add fresh fruit or veggies to your meal.

Once your meal is planned out, fill in the rest of your day. You may have to adjust what you normally eat to allow for the meal out.

For example, one of my clients told me about how she had been craving Taco Bell for days, and she finally decided to make it work in her meal plan. 

She wanted two foods that were going to be fairly high in carbs and fat. So she put them into her meal plan and then ended up needing to eat some high-protein, low-fat foods the rest of the day to make it work. So, she put a big bowl of fat-free, Greek Yogurt in her meal plan and was able to eat at Taco Bell without throwing off all of her goals.

I’m going to say it one more time, if you have a plan, you can do anything with your food!

Don’t let food-guilt get to you

There’s a lot of food guilt around eating out or indulging in food that has been deemed “bad.” But Mama, let me ask you a question, why is that food you want to eat bad?

Probably because someone else told you it was! Food isn’t “good” or “bad.” Sure, some food is more nutritious for you than others, but if you love something and it brings you joy - even if it’s full of sugar - then that food serves a purpose. 

Sometimes we eat food to nourish our bodies and sometimes we eat it to nourish our souls! Going out to eat doesn’t have to be something you feel guilty about! I actually believe it’s healthy to eat out so that we can enjoy things beyond food!

Spending time with people over a meal is a great thing for our mental and emotional health. When you learn how to drop food guilt and embrace making the best decision for the situation, you’re going to feel so much better mentally and physically!

One other thing that makes us feel food guilt is when decadent food doesn’t live up to our expectations.

Maybe you ordered something that sounded amazing, but after the first few bites, it didn’t live up to your ideals. You just spent money on it so you feel like you have to eat it.

But you don’t.

Because your body is not a garbage can. 

Growing up, my parents taught me not to waste food. Anytime I didn't want to eat something, they pulled out the old "there are starving kids in Africa" guilt trip.

For years, I lived with this guilt anytime I didn't want to eat something or couldn't finish a meal - especially if I was eating out. So, I'd ignore the full feeling I was getting and power through until my plate was clean. 

And then I’d feel gross and I’d be mad that I hated my meal.

It took me a while to learn that being a human trash can wasn't something to be proud of! It was hurting my health!

Eating food that doesn’t satisfy your mind or your body is just going to lead you down a road of shame and regret and that’s going to take you even further away from your goals. And it does not help a hungry child. It does not help somebody in a third-world country who is hungry. It only hurts you.

Instead of forcing yourself to eat food that isn’t hitting the spot, don’t eat it! You might waste a little bit of money, but you’re going to save your health in the process!

Remember, one off meal won’t ruin your results

Just like eating one salad doesn’t allow us to lose 10 pounds, eating outside of our boundaries for one meal won’t make you gain 10 pounds.

That being said, after eating out you may see the scale jump up for a bit. This does not mean you gained fat!

 Let me repeat that for the mamas who have been trained to freak out when the scale goes up (It’s me, I’m that mama.)

Just because the scale moved up a day or two after eating out does not mean you gained fat.

The scale will move up for a few reasons, but fat gain is most likely not one of them.

When we eat out we usually consume more sodium, which causes us to hold onto extra water, and that shows up on the scale.

If you drank alcohol, your body is still processing that out. In order to process out alcohol, the body has to stop burning fat. So it may increase your scale weight for a few days - again not a fat increase; just your body doing it’s thing.

To gain a pound of fat you would have to eat 3,500 calories per week. It takes repetition to put on weight, which is why the best way to avoid gaining weight when eating out is to simply go back to your normal eating at the next meal.

Most people think they’ve ruined all their results or fallen off the bandwagon when they eat out. But if you follow the advice I’ve given you here, you’ll be able to eat out without “falling off the bandwagon,” without feeling bad or guilty, and without gaining fat.

If you aren’t sure what your normal eating should look like to lose weight, then let’s chat! I help busy mamas understand their nutritional needs so they can lose weight without having to cook separate meals from their families, eat boring diet foods, or take diet pills or shakes.

All you have to do is schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint call and I’ll help you get on a personalized plan to reach your health goals! Let’s do this, Mama!

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