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The Busy Mom’s Perfect Program for Permanent Weight Loss

Plan! Prep! Protect!

Ready to Make Bold Moves?

Discover how YOU can unapologetically
fall in love with the skin you’re in.


 Been There, Done That!

Since becoming a mom, maybe you’ve felt a bit sheepish about the number on the scale or the way your body moves. And let’s not even mention how clothes fit now. 

  • You're tired, overwhelmed, and mom-brain makes it easy to be set off by the smallest things. 

  • You try hard to turn this minivan around, but nothing seems to work.

  • I know you’ve tried them — we all have — the typical fad diet that leaves you HANGRY and not the mom (or person) you want to be.

  • You feel alone in the process. Between being dog-tired and feeling like nothing works for you, it may seem like the only option is to give up.


Ladies...there is a BETTER WAY! Let’s turn that frustration into the energy that will get you the results you’re looking for!

  • You’re thinking, “I am trapped, there is no way I can focus on me.”

    • Your whole world revolves around others and their needs. 

  • You’re crabby. 

    • You get up and get the kids ready for school — they can sense your irritation so they walk on eggshells.  

  • You’re always in a rush. 

    • Whether it’s work or to run errands for a school project, it’s a mad dash.

  • You’re falling behind.

    • Laundry is piling up, deadlines are approaching and the housework alone is a full-time job. 

You’re exhausted and you know the alarm will go off sooner than later and you’ll do the WHOLE ORDEAL all over again the next day! 

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What if taking one final stand could give you your POWER BACK?


Mama, I see you and I understand the struggle…

  • Emotional Binge Eating. Triggers come out of the woodworks when you are working hard on getting healthy. 

  • Making excuses. It’s easy to blame time, kids, and financial situation as the reason why healthy doesn’t work for you.

  • Paralyzed with HOW. You know too much about a lot of things but not enough of one to take actions so you default to inaction. 


  • Food urges that lead to shame and regret so you can stand firm in the choices you make. 

  • Roadblocks that hold you back so that you can take extreme ownership of your journey.

  • Inaction so that you can start to move in the direction of your goals with confidence!

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Ladies...there is a BETTER WAY!


Let’s turn that frustration into the energy that will get you the results you’re looking for!

  •  Go from I don’t have the time to MASTERING your time.

  • Go from my kids’ needs are more important to when I care for myself I’m a better mom.

  • Go from I’m too embarrassed to take family photos to I am proud of my body and what it does to support me and my family.

  • Let go of the shame, guilt and shoulds — they don’t burn calories and keep us stuck. 


What would it mean to you to get UNSTUCK?


 Transforming Busy Mamas Into Confident, Powerful, Leaders In Their Homes

What if you knew how to let go of the excuses?

What if you could get the results you wanted without…

  • Taking crazy (and dangerous) diet pills that cause disease and later weight gain

  • Drinking meal replacement shakes and having to pretend you’re not really starving

  • Cutting out entire food groups and missing out at family dinners and fun events

  • Spending all your free time in the gym/kitchen instead of being there to see your kids grow up!

Mama, what if you had a solid support system that could help you learn how to make better decisions, plan one meal for the whole family, and take each and every step with you and show you how to reach your goals?

It sounds too good to be true, right?

It’s not! Macro coaching could be the answer you’ve been searching for!

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If you can relate to anything below we need to chat, Mama! 

I know how you feel because I have walked the broken road you are currently walking down! 

My name is Krista Moreland and I’m a Fitness Nutrition Specialist certified in Precision Nutrition levels I&II and WAG Macro Coaching Certified. 

If you skipped over those credentials, I totally understand. Those really don’t mean anything without a strong coach-client connection. 

Five years ago, I started my macro journey.

Short and simple...I was overweight and overwhelmed.

I had tried a lot of things — mostly quick fixes and deprivation diets. They left me feeling disappointed, deprived and desperate for the next fix. 

5 years ago, I found myself at a loss with the person I had accidentally turned into while trying to be everything to everyone except for me!  

As a new mom, I thought it was my job to drop everything I might need for my home, hubby and little humans. I did it to myself. I set expectations that nobody could meet. This led to me keeping my needs stuffed inside. 

I was bitter and irritated. 

Then came the breakdown of 2015!

Brene Brown calls her breakdown a “spiritual awakening” and although I would like to fancy mine up it was anything but fancy — it was a full-on toddler meltdown!


 Stop the Madness Mama — Uncover Your Courage & Take Bold Moves! 

Take the overwhelm out of weight loss
by mastering these 3 simple steps…


Planning is the first step in accomplishing your health goals. When you have a plan, you have the beginning of a system. The next step is to stick to your goal through preparation.


When we are prepared we know what to do when trials come up. This is the “do” step of your system, where you will physically take action to reach your goals.


The protection stage is really where your mindset kicks in. You will always be protecting your goals and your system. Don’t worry, I have some savage tools for you in this stage!

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Introducing your last diet ever...

Macros Made Easy

Lose the weight and keep it off for a lifetime!


Macros Made Easy includes…


Custom Starter Macros

⫸ So you can build trust within yourself again and confidently navigate emotional triggers and binge urges.

8 Weeks Of Live Feedback + Adjustments

⫸ Which will help you navigate the kitchen so that you can be present and enjoy meal time with your family.

8 Weeks Of Direct Support With Me

⫸ We do this together, step by step and win by win — there is so much power when 2 or more are chasing a goal!

Full Access...

⫸ the KmoreMacro Membership Area, full of weekly lessons, grocery lists, and printables to help you create a solid foundation to build your new body, ensuring this is the last “diet” you ever go on.

KmoreMacro + Weekly Mindset Work

⫸ Will help you increase intimacy, let go of food shame, set boundaries and really begin to love the skin you are in!


Macros Made Easy Bonuses…

Bonus #1: Macros Made Easy E-Book

My e-book is my super entry level info designed to help the brand new macro tracker establish a solid foundation and actually start to put the big picture together. It is loaded with all the good stuff about the basics.

Many coaches skip this step and later regret the attention to doing the simple stuff right. Create some long lasting momentum by your nutritional foundation on solid ground. 

Bonus #2: Private FB Page Access X2

You’re about to become a rockstar and every rockstar needs someone to model what “success” looks like. My dynamic private facebook group has people in it who have lost 140, 105, 75 pounds and people who have been taken off of diabetes medications and have kept their success long after my program. 

Bonus #3: Urges Masterclass

Food urges overpower our best intentions. I have been told for years “just don’t give into it” but we both know that’s impossible when urges rear their ugly heads. This masterclass gives you a tactile strategy you can use ANYWHERE to literally squash the URGE immediately.  

Bonus #4: Resources + Food Lists + Worksheets

Save yourself from overwhelm, frustration and paralyzing feeling from finding the resources you need. You will get over 5 years worth of food lists and meal ideas that are tried and true. You will avoid scouring the internet for hours trying to find “healthy” recipes that don’t taste like cardboard.

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 Imagine if you could…

  • Slip that little black dress on and experience SEXY all over again for the first time. 

  • Have unlimited energy to laugh, ride bikes, hike and run after your kids at the end of the day. I can see their big smiles and full hearts now, can’t you? 

  • Be so confident that you are willing to take risks, stop hiding and show up at home, at work, with friends and most importantly for yourself. 

  • Eat the foods you love like CARBS (yes, I said it — carbs the villain food!). What if you could eat the ice cream, the donuts, the holiday foods and still lose weight?

  • Join a community of seriously BADASS mamas doing big things and taking front and center stage in their own LIVES! They are at all different stages of their journey but what we all have in common is WE DO THIS TOGETHER. Some might call it a cult I prefer tribe we love hard, support intentionally and show up for each other every day!

  • Have access to your coach like you have access to ALEXA — a trusted friend. I have had many mentors tell me DO NOT give your number to your clients.The truth is losing weight is personal and emotional. We really get to know each other. We do the really hard things together and I want you to lean on me.


Let me guide you, show you and grow you in the direction of your dreams.

It really is magical!

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 Meet Lacy

Mom of 2, Farmer’s Insurance, Oklahoma


“The [Macros Made Easy Program] showed me how to make being healthy a part of my everyday. I have completely changed my mindset about health and self in the last year. I am down 105 lbs and have more confidence than I’ve felt in years.


Meet Denise

Mom of 3, Marriott International, Illinois


“I had never been on a diet before but a recent change in positions at work allowed me to put on 25+ pounds of body fat. I knew I needed to do something but I didn’t want to do shakes and quick fixes. [Macros Made Easy] not only taught me how to look at food differently but has taught me how to think about my whole world differently. I believe in me and my confidence has completely shifted for the better.”



Teach the Mom, Reach the Family

Mama it’s not just about you. Do you realize your power? The impact you have on future generations is unmatched. Teach your children's children how to be healthy, happy HUMANS!

The fact that you are here right now tells me a whole lot… YOU ARE READY.

I see you mama!

NO MORE hesitating, NO MORE waiting for the right time, the right season, the right financial situation.

Your time is now and I am freaking out excited to chat with you! Step out of fear and into faith in yourself and…

Let’s get you feeling incredible in the skin you are in!

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 Here is the truth mama…
My program isn’t magic

The secret sauce is YOU

  • Tired of spinning your wheels not knowing what to eat to feel good.

  • Ready to take control of your food choices and be a food boss.

  • Want to understand how to enjoy food without gaining weight.

  • Want to love the way you look and feel in your body — no more hiding behind baggy clothes!

  • Enjoying food without hating yourself afterward.

  • Get your craziest food questions answered so you can finally be in control.

  • Get support so that you’re not all alone in this journey.

  • Finally, be happy with where you are in your life!


I want to be honest and transparent with you — this is going to take time, energy and effort.

My Macros Made Easy Program isn’t for mamas who...

  • Want a quick fix because results are fleeting and leave you more broken.

  • Aren’t willing to make themselves a priority of some sort because it’s not family first when you leave yourself last.

  • Will not meal prep because takeout doesn’t care about your goals!

  • Are not ready to invest in being healthy (time, energy, resources) because the only way to get results is by giving it your all.

  • Have a fixed (closed) mindset because you are convinced that it only works for everyone else but you.


Have no intention of changing habits because the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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 Meet Taylor

Mom of 2, Working Mama


“It is so freeing to feel comfortable in my own skin. Letting go of over 130 pounds has changed my life. To not have the constant comparisons and 'less than' feelings running through my head every minute of the day. I push myself for ME now and not because I feel like I have something to prove to someone. I feel content and happy - and that is worth every penny, tear and ounce of sweat! THANK YOU for being you! THANK YOU for believing in me and pushing me! And THANK YOU for being my friend.”


Meet Christy

Mom of 3 sporty kids, Nurse


“Life-changing! Krista is amazing! She is knowledgeable, encouraging, and so supportive! I have tried counting/restricting calories (the starvation diet). I have tried shakes - yuck! And I have tried juice cleanses - double yuck. They all worked but they are not sustainable! Krista has shown me how to eat properly in order to fuel my body so that I’m healthy and losing weight. I am eating more food now than I ever have and I’m the smallest I have ever been!



You Might Have a Few Questions…

+ I am short on time can I do this?

YES YES YES! If you follow me at all you know I am on the GO! My schedule is Full. You will learn how to bulk prep, shop, and cook like the mom boss you were meant to be! Time is an excuse we use out of fear. If this is a priority to you you will find the time.

+ I do not like to cook/meal prep or cook more than one meal, can I still do this?

Zero kitchen skills necessary! I am going to teach you, show you and grow you along the way. When I started my journey my husband used to tell people I could burn water (which actually happened once. Don’t curl your hair while boiling water). You will need to cook and prep but I have already done all the work for you and will show you a tried and truly efficient way to accomplish these things.

+ Will I really lose weight?

Yes, I create all macros plans custom to you and your goals. So if your goal is to lose then that is what we do.

+ Is this custom to me or are these templates?

Yes, my plans are specifically created for you and nobody else. No, I do not use templates. I meet you where you are. I collect information, analyze the data and create a custom program that fits your life.

+ Will this help my family?

Oh, mama — yes it will! Do you know why I love working with mamas? Mamas can single-handedly change the world. True story — I believe that with all my heart. Mama’s actions cause a ripple effect. The problem is you can’t teach what you don’t know. I will teach you how to impact your family for a lifetime!

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Are you ready to
completely transform
your body, your health
and your life?

It’s time to love living in the skin you’re in!

Let’s get to know each other. Book a free call to discover your goals and the custom coaching plan that’s perfect for you!