4 Proven Strategies Busy Moms need to skyrocket their libido

4 Proven Strategies Busy Moms Need to Skyrocket their Libido

Being a mom is amazing. I love it. But if we could get super honest for a minute, there are a few things that have been difficult about being a mom, and losing my libido was one of them. It’s hard to feel sexy and in the mood when you’re knee-deep in dirty diapers, sleep-deprived, and don’t recognize your body anymore.

When I first started losing weight, looking good naked and improving my libido were at the top of my list. I was so tired of feeling fluffy and frumpy. I wanted to feel strong and confident again.

And while losing weight, and putting on muscle helped me look better it didn’t completely fix my desire problems. So, I did what we all do, I hopped on Google and searched “how to increase my libido.”

I got lists and lists of things to eat to improve my drive; like dark chocolate to increase endorphins and beets to increase blood flow.

However, upon further research, I was going to have to be eating chocolate and beets by the truckload to see any benefits.

When I realized that adding a few libido-boosting foods into my diet wasn’t going to do the trick, I gave up on Google and went to get real help.

I got together with my friend, Dr. Kris Wallace, a naturopathic physician who specializes in balancing hormones in men, women and adolescents, and we found four proven strategies to increase your libido - no aphrodisiacs needed!

1. Make sure your hormones are in order

Tricks and hacks only go so far. If you want to increase your libido then you need to know what’s going on inside your body. That means going to the doctor and having your hormones tested.

Testosterone is the most common cause of low libido in women. If your testosterone is low, or any other essential hormones, your doctor can help you find the right solution.

I do recommend working with a naturopath because, in my experience, naturopathic doctors aren’t looking to give you a quick fix. They want to help you understand your body and will help you get to the root of the problem.

Once you’ve gotten a plan from your doctor to rebalance your hormones, you can implement these behavior changes that will also improve your sex drive. 

Have a heart-healthy diet

Diet plays a huge part in your overall health and sexual drive. If you want to have a healthy libido, then you need to be focusing on more than aphrodisiacs. You need to have a healthy diet all the time! I’ve narrowed down three areas of your diet that can improve your sex life.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Fat plays an important role in balancing hormones. This is why getting enough fat is essential to a healthy sex drive. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, a type of fat, have been shown to help men and women improve sexual desire. 

Omega 3 reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Inflammation and oxidative stress cause damage to blood vessels and nerves necessary for sexual function. 

Most people use supplements to reach their Omega 3 goals, but it’s also naturally found in fish.


Fiber is great for keeping you regular, but did you know that it can help improve the three biggest sex hormones: estrogen, DHT and testosterone? 

Fiber helps bind a molecule called the sex hormone-binding globulin to estrogen, DHT and testosterone. When fiber binds to the globulin, it leaves behind more testosterone which increases libido!

Fiber is found in carbs like leafy greens, beans and lentils, fruits and berries, vegetables, oatmeal, and other whole grains. This means you need to be eating complex carbs as a part of your healthy diet!


Protein can help increase testosterone levels and like fiber, protein binds to the sex hormone-binding globulin.

Chicken, beef and pork are all great sources of protein. Vegetarians can also find nutrients to improve libido in whole grains, and dairy products like milk and cheese.

When you aim for a balanced diet, you’ll see that your hormones stay at optimal levels and your libido will increase.

In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, I wanted to create a healthy, libido-boosting dinner menu! So I put together a free guide with three different dinner options. You can grab it in my free Facebook group, Busy Mom Simple Nutrition.

2. Get enough sleep

Another huge part of a healthy libido is getting enough sleep! Sleep is usually one of the first things busy moms give up to do everything else on their plates, but if you want to feel sexier, you have to start prioritizing it!

Sleep plays a vital role in sex drive because when we’re sleeping, our bodies are repairing themselves and our hormones are recouping!

If you know that you’re lacking in sleep, then create a bedtime and a bedtime routine for yourself! Plan out when you need to go to wake up and then plan your bedtime backwards from that. Make sure you’re allotting at least eight hours of sleep and then stick to that bedtime!

One hour before your bedtime you should start your bedtime routine. I recommend turning off all of your electronics, or at the very least wear blue-light-blocking glasses if you must look at electronics. 

You can also include the following activities in your nighttime routine:

  • Stretch

  • Read a book

  • Take a magnesium supplement (helps with restlessness and insomnia)

  • Meditate

  • Get ready for bed (brush teeth, wash face, take a shower, etc.)

  • Journal

Winding down before bed can help you sleep better and signal your body that it’s time to relax and rest.

3. Reduce stress

Finally, stress is one of the biggest causes of hormone imbalances and decreased libido. To reverse that, look for the stressors in your life and remove what you can. Then, you need to learn how to healthily deal with any stress that you can’t remove from your life.

Supplements and vitamins can help you reduce stress. One great vitamin to include in your diet is Vitamin C. According to Psychology Today, “People who have high levels of vitamin C do not show the expected mental and physical signs of stress when subjected to acute psychological challenges. What's more, they bounce back from stressful situations faster than people with low levels of vitamin C in their blood.”

Another amazing tool to help with stress and your overall mindset is a gratitude journal. Practicing gratitude can help you see the good in your life, even when it is stressful! It can also help you see the good in difficult situations.

Finally, if you’re feeling stressed in the moment, move your body! As Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.” Elle is 100% right! Going for a walk, dancing in the kitchen or heading to the gym can help you cope with stress!

I’ve been using these strategies for years and they’ve been the best way to reignite the woman I used to be! 

Remember, living a healthy life is about more than just looking good. You should feel good in your body and if you don’t, then you deserve to get help! (Plus, I’m sure if you tell your hubby that you’re trying to increase your libido he’ll be super supportive!)
If you want help improving your diet so that you can feel better and sexier, then let’s chat! Schedule a healthy mama blueprint call to get help designing a diet that can improve your libido!

Discover effective strategies to skyrocket your libido as a busy mom. From hormonal balance to sleep, nutrition, and stress reduction, these proven tips will reignite your passion and confidence. Get the expert advice you need to reclaim yourself

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Krista Moreland